I had an excellent time presenting two talks this morning at the Milwaukee CodeCamp in Milwaukee, WI. I spoke about “Model-View-Whatever: Comparing JavaScript MVC/MVP/MVVM Frameworks” and “ASP.NET 5: Someone Moved Your Cheese”. Thanks to everyone that came to my talks and to the organizers for putting the event together.
Every time I present, I challenge the attendees to give to a worthy cause if they enjoyed the talk. If the audience from my two talks hit the goals, at least 12 people will get access to clean drinking water. So, if you attended and enjoyed it–or even if you didn’t–feel free to join us in giving here: http://bit.ly/mke-gives for the MVW talk or http://bit.ly/mke-gives2 for the ASP.NET talk.
I had a great time meeting everyone, and look forward to seeing you all again soon. Thanks again!
My slides can be downloaded here: