I first installed the Batarang plugin for Chrome a couple of years ago as a way to debug AngularJS apps. It worked great, and I never looked back–until recently, that is. In the last few months, the plugin gradually stopped working, and then even more recently, it also started breaking any AngularJS applications I navigated to in Chrome. Back in December of 2014, the author of Batarang asked for help from the community, saying “it’s clear to me that I haven’t given the time to Batarang that it deserves.” Unfortunately, it seems like this call for help hasn’t produced the desired effect because the latest update to Batarang was released a few days
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I had an excellent first visit to the Enterprise Developers Guild tonight in Charlotte, NC. I spoke about using Telerik’s Kendo UI library together with AngularJS. Thanks to everyone that came out, and to The Guild for hosting me. If you attended and enjoyed it, don’t forget to donate a little something for clean water here: http://bit.ly/guild-gives. I promised that I’ll give $100 if the Guild gives $100 or more as a group this week. So, in a way, if you didn’t like it, maybe you should donate even more! In all seriousness, I had a blast, and look forward to seeing you all again soon. Thanks again! My slides and code from the evening
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This Tuesday, March 24, I’ll be speaking at the Enterprise Developers Guild in Charlotte, NC. The title of my presentation is “Kendo <3’s Angular: Two Great Libraries, Together At Last!“. [Event Details] In my talk I’ll be talking about using AngularJS and Telerik’s Kendo UI framework together. On its own, Kendo UI provides everything you need to create great JavaScript applications. That includes a world-class widget library. But in recent years, AngularJS has exploded onto the scene, becoming a popular and elegant framework for creating web applications. Angular, however, lacks its own built-in widget library. This could have created a nearly perfect match, but when Angular first came along, using it with Kendo
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In ASP.NET, it can be helpful to know when a request is an AJAX call (made via XMLHttpRequest, that is) as apposed to a standard HTTP request. This can be detected with ASP.NET’s Request.IsAjaxRequest() method. This helper method returns true whenever the HTTP request contains the header “X-Requested-With” with a value of “XMLHttpRequest“. JQuery handles this automatically for you with any calls made using its $.ajax() method. AngularJS, however, does not. When you’re creating and AngularJS application, this can make it difficult to detect when a request to the server was an AJAX request or not. Have no fear, though, you can fix this problem with one simple line of code in our AngularJS
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